Global Partners

Global Partnerships are only available to brokers and insurers and allow their staff annual access to our full suite of conferences, webinars and publications, ensuring that they have the best possible opportunity to network and keep up with their continued professional development. Global Partners help shape the agendas of our conferences, provide speakers across the events and help us ensure that we are providing them with content that is beneficial to their staff.

If your company is interested in enabling its entire workforce access to our products (in person and online) then please do get in touch with us.


Marine Claims Edinburgh 2022

Energy Insurance London 2022

Marine Insurance London 2022

Marine Insurance Asia 2022

Marine Insurance Americas 2022

Marine Insurance Nordics 2022

Energy Insurance Americas 2022


What does the package entail?

  • * Unlimited live-stream access for all staff to all the abovementioned conferences, including full recordings sent after each event to watch at your leisure
  • * Unlimited live digital access for all staff to all our webinars
  • * Global Partner branding across all conferences (websites, conferences, publications)
  • * 4 x articles in The Marine Insurer per annum 
  • * Subscription to The Marine Insurer for all staff
  • * Place on the advisory board for each conference to help us select the most relevant topics
  • * 15 physical delegate places across all conferences to be used at your discretion (excluding Marine Claims Edinburgh)

* 50% discount off additional delegate rates for in-person conferences (£400 average delegate pass, so discounted down to £200, with the exception of Marine Claims Edinburgh)

* Pricing is on application and dependant on the size of your company.


Partners Include:

